Data Mining Project
This report investigates biological properties of protein sequences using data created by parsing existing proteomic sequences, retrieved from the online databases IEDB. The training data set has 68 unique attributes with 66 of them being numeric. The goal of this investigation is to predit whether or not a given observation is a positive epitope.
1 Introduction
This report gives an outline solution of the 2020 Data Mining (CS3440) coursework. It is not intended to be a complete report, but rather, shows the development process of a data mining experiment.
The goal is to develop models to classify good and bad predictions. We will highlight some of the results and key issues that occur when following a systematic data mining process.
2 Exploratory Data Analysis
Upon loading the training data (CWData_train.arff ), it is clear that from the 68 attributes, 1 is a string, 1 is nominal, and 66 are numeric. From an initial observation, it is clear that there is missing data which was confirmed by opening the file in the Visual Studio Code text editor and searching for the ‘?’ character. Though degree of missing data differs, the majority of attributes have 6 missing data entries which translates to a percentage close to zero (negligible). The notable attributes with missing entries are 13, and 56.
Figure 1 shows that 75% of the data is missing from this attribute. Here, we have two options; we can either remove this attribute entirely, or we can predict the missing values. Since 75% of the data is missing (approximately 22500 entries), there is no guarantee that the predictions will be accurate enough to be usable. Therefore, the best option is to remove this attribute entirely. A similar thought process is applied to attribute 56 shown in Figure 2, which has 90% of the data missing (approximately 27000 entries). By removing these attributes, we hope to improve the accuracy of our results. In addition to this, since attribute 1 is an ID class, it provides no relevant information and causes issues when using some models and filters. Thus, this attribute can also be removed from the data.
Figure 3 shows all the visualizations for the data set. It is important to consider the size of the data set due to the fact that 68 attributes may impact the level of accuracy in our findings. Thus, we much consider ways of reducing the attribute size to maximize the accuracy of our results.
The two models that we will focus on in this investigation to model our data are Naive Bayes model and the K-Nearest-Neighbours model (KNN). The Naive Bayes model has been chosen due to its simplicity and how easily it can be implemented. In addition to this, it works well with data that has missing values and is also very time efficient. The KNN model has been chosen for similar reasons but has certain benefits for our particular data set. These benefits include adding new data without affecting accuracy, and having no training required which speeds up the process significantly.
3 Data Preprocessing
In this section, we will run initial benchmarks for the Naive Bayes and the KNN models. This is crucial in this investigation as it allows us the analyse how well the filters increase/decrease the accuracy and becomes the criterion for the rest of the results.
3.1 Benchmark Models
We first apply the ‘filtered classifier’ to the whole data set under the ‘Preprocessing’ tab. We then apply the ‘Remove’ filter to the relevant attributes which we have discussed above (attributes 1, 13, 56), and can then run each model and classifier using 10-fold cross-validation. This increases the reliability of the error estimate and will help with the accuracy of our overall results. In addition to this, for the KNN model, we must set ‘cross validate’ to true and the KNN value to ‘10’. This gives us the best value for K which in our case is K = 1. The benchmark results are shown in Table 1.
Model | Benchmark Results |
Naive Bayes | 63.54% |
K-Nearest-Neighbour, K = 1 | 77.19% |
Table 1: Benchmarks of both models with the Remove filter applied. The results are accuracies of each model given as a percentage.
3.2 Model Experimentation
We now build on the benchmark models and apply a variety of filters relevant to our data set to observe the changes in accuracy. Our aim here is to try and maximize the accuracy and analyse how different filters effect this. The filters we will apply are ‘Discretize’, ‘Normalize’, and ‘Standardize’, to each model. The results of each of these filters is shown in Table 2.
Model | Discretize | Normalize | Standardize |
Naive Bayes | 64.26% | 63.54% | 63.54% |
K-Nearest-Neighbour, K = 1 | 75.54% | 77.19% | 77.19% |
Table 2: Accuracy of each model with the abovementioned filters applied.
The models classified above have used 65 attributes in total, though all of them may not be useful and/or relevant since some attributes provide no clarity to our models and would only increase computational complexity. Thus, Physical Component Analysis (PCA) was carried out on both models with the results given in Table 3.
Model | PCA Benchmark | Discretize | Normalize | Standardize |
Naive Bayes | 68.92% | 69.3267% | 68.92% | 68.92% |
K-Nearest-Neighbour, K = 1 | 76.6967% | 73.3667% | 76.6967% | 76.6967% |
Table 3: Accuracy of each model and filter with PCA applied.
Using PCA reduced the number of attributes from 68 to 12 attributes for the Naive Bayes model, and 13 attributes for the KNN model. From initial observations, it is clear that PCA has been positively impactful on the accuracy for the Naive Bayes model. Meanwhile, for the KNN model, PCA has reduced the accuracy from 77.19% to 76.6967%. However, this is expected due to the fact that a lower number of attributes lead to a lower degree of neighbours for the KNN model.
Upon further evaluation, we can see that with or without PCA applied, the discretize filter returns a much lower accuracy for the KNN model and as a result, is always lower than the other two filters and the benchmark. Furthermore, it appears that thus far, the accuracies for the KNN benchmark, normalize and standardize filters are always identical.
4 Modelling
In this section we will explore the modelling process in more detail and select the optimal parameters for each model. We will further inspect the characteristics of the models and filters to see which would be the most suitable for our dataset.
4.1 Model Development
Here, we will further develop each model and strive to find a final model with a higher accuracy than we already have.
4.1.1 Naive Bayes
When examining the Naive Bayes model, we can see that it performed much better when attributes with missing data were removed. This accuracy was further increased when PCA was applied and the highest accuracy was achieved with PCA and the ‘Discretize’ filter was applied. We can further develop this model by using a kernel density estimator to approxiamte the non-Gaussian distributions. This is shown in Table 4 where it is compared to the accuracy of the PCA discretize filter which is denoted as ‘Naive Bayes with Kernel OFF’ entry, in which we have seen the highest accuracy so far. The results from this table clearly indicate that the kernel estimator has the highest accuracy for this model.
Model | Accuracy |
Naive Bayes with Kernel OFF (PCA-D) | 69.3267% |
Naive Bayes with Kernel ON | 69.5167% |
Table 4: Results for Naive Bayes with Kernel filter and applied compared to the PCA Discretize filter.
4.1.2 K-Nearest-Neighbour (KNN)
Looking at the KNN model, we can say that the benchmark model has been of the highest accuracy so far whilst maintaining the lowest computational complexity. This accuracy was maintained throughout the experimentation process with some drops, PCA Discretize having the lowest accuracy. We can further develop this model by applying distance weighting (1/distance and 1.distance). This is shown in Table 5 where we can see that the distance weighting has no effect of the accuracy of the model for our dataset.
Model | Accuracy |
Standard | 77.19% |
1/distance | 77.19% |
1.distance | 77.19% |
Table 5: Results for distance weighting compared to no distance weighting for the KNN model.
4.1.3 Analysis
We can confidently deduce that the KNN model is considerably more accurate than the Naive Bayes model. We now run this on our test set, where we get an accuracy of 77.88% shown in Table 6. This result is extremely close to the accuracy of the training set (differing by less than 1%).
Model | Accuracy |
Training Set | 77.19% |
Test Set | 77.88% |
Table 6: Comparison of accuracies for training set and test set.
4.2 Cost-Based Modelling
For cost-based modelling, we have two options. The first option is to reiterate the majority of the former processes while using an unequal cost matrix,. The second, much simpler option, is the approach of using the same parameter settings as used before in the equal-cost scenario. The goal is to minimize the cost as much as possible.
In the unequal cost scenario, the cost of misclassifying a bad credit risk (as good) is four times greater than that of misclassifying a good credit (as bad). We can respresent this as a 2x2 matrix as shown below:
│0.0 1.0│
│4.0 0.0│
4.2.1 Naive Bayes
For the Naive Bayes model, we can calculate the unequal cost using the Kernel filter as it returned the highest accuracy for this model. The Naive Bayes model returns fairly accurate estimates of the class posterior probabilities. We ran this with the ‘cost sensitive classifier’ meta-model and ‘Minimize Expected Cost’ set to true (so that the same model was trained and only the cost was evaluated). The resulting confusion matrix is shown below.
│4109 16841│
│1014 8036│
This gives us a cost of (16841 × 1) + (1014 × 4) = 20,897.
4.2.2 K-Nearest-Neighbour (KNN)
Since the KNN model is not as good as the Naive Bayes model in producing accurate probability values, we keep the ‘Minimize Expected Cost’ set to false. The KNN model used here is the the benchmark model which had only the ‘Remove’ filter applied, as this had the highest accuracy. The confusion matrix for this is shown below.
│17006 3944│
│3465 5585│
This gives us a cost of (3944 × 1) + (3465 × 4) = 17, 804. This is much lower than the cost of the Naive Bayes Model.
4.3 Model Selection
From the results above, it is clear that the K-Nearest-Neighbour model is the most accurate model for the unequal cost model. It is important to note that in both cases for the unequal cost model, the same exact models from the equal cost scenario were used.
Since the KNN model consistently gave us the higher accuracy and often the lowest computational complexity, we can argue that our approach has been thorough, and that these results are tangible.
5 Final Performance
Since the KNN model is better in all aspects than the Naive Bayes model, we can analyze the cost on the test set by using the same cost analysis method as above. The resulting confusion matrix is shown below.
│2843 658│
│574 925│
This gives us a cost of (658×1) + (574×4) = 2, 954. Table 7 summarizes the results for both equal and unequal costs.
Problem | Final Model | Training Set | Test Set |
Equal Cost | KNN | Accuracy: 77.19% | Accuracy: 77.88% |
Unequal Cost] | KNN | Cost: 17,804 | Cost: 2,954 |
Table 7: Results for the cost scenarios.
6 Conclusion
The final chosen model was KNN due to its superior accuracy over the Naive Bayes model. Taking into consideration the large size of our data (30,000 entries), it is sensible to suggest that our findings are reliable and our results are definitive from a statistical standpoint.
One way we could enhance our findings is to explore a variety of different models. Examples of some models include decision trees, Gaussian processes, linear regression, etc. However, on a dataset of 30,000 entries, an accuracy of 77.19%+, is one that is not only conclusive, but a result we can can be pleased with.
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