Blog Posts

Introduction to Git

4 minute read

This article focuses on understanding and using Git as a beginner to version control systems.

Kaggle: Titanic Survivor Predictions

8 minute read

In this post we will attempt to solve the infamous Kaggle Titanic Machine Learning problem in an organised fashion. Overview 1) Loading Data 2) Understan...

Deep Learning Explained: Neural Networks

2 minute read

This post explains how deep learning neural networks work and how they are used to make predictions using unlabeled data. Deep learning is an unsupervised m...

Machine Learning Explained: Introduction

5 minute read

This post explores machine learning and the different methods that are used to develop predictive models. We will understand what each of these methods are,...

Machine Learning Project

4 minute read

Background In medical decision-making, a doctor observes ‘features’ of a patient and makes a decision on the basis of these features whether the patient is h...

Data Mining Project

9 minute read

Abstract This report investigates biological properties of protein sequences using data created by parsing existing proteomic sequences, retrieved from the o...

Network Science Project

4 minute read

Background This report presents methodology and results for the AM30NE Coursework. A combination of Python and MATLAB has been used to solve the problems for...